Songs n' Pals since 2000.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Holiday by mistake

A lot of this...


A dollop of this....

roll up roll up

A round up of this...
London - Friday
Rushed like mad folk as we left Nottingham...hit London for 8..played our set at 8.30. Thanks in HUGE AMOUNTS to everyone who made the effort to come and see matter what time you made it. We played a blinder and had a blinder seeing the night out. We got to re-unite with our old running mates, Wagstaffe (, from when The Wickets first began - nearly 10 years gone.. - they may of 'retired' but they're keeping the dream alive in London.
We headed out Saturday morning for some breakfast and had the pleasure of seeing some good ole' boys attempt to replace a broken window in the Cafe only to put a huge crack in the replacement glass.


Incredible scenes. Hilarious..lot's of 'For FUCKS sake' and fag breaks.

Onto Falmouth...stories to follow...

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